On my radar #28



1.) I’ve already got a major crush on African Juju hats, but the framed (!) version in this eclectic apartment, I spotted at My Scandinavian Home, is ace.

Fotograf: Lina Östling+46 70 405 42 07mail@linaostling.sewww.linaostling.seStylist: Mari Strenghielm NordHemma hos paret Anna och Lars Norrman i Köpenhamn

Picture: linaostling.se Stylist: Mari Strenghielm

2.) I discovered this porcelain vase by Marlies Neugebauer at Northernism, a lovely Dutch online shop for accessories and home goods. Definitely worth a visit!


3.) Online interior retailer Made.com has just opened the first German showroom in Berlin, where you can get inspiration for your home. The Made.com stylists will assist you and your purchases will be delivered directly to your home.



4.) One of my favourite designers, talented Malaika Raiss, wows me with her new SS2017 collection! You gotta love this jacket! Find more pictures of the whole collection at Journelles.
